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Dissertation council

Scientists of the Institute serve as permanent members of the Dissertation Council for defense of candidate (PhD) and doctorate (DSc) theses in epidemiology/medical sciences,  that is established on the basis of three institutions: I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University; Research Institute of Influenza and Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute.

Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute is presented by:

Lyudmila LIALINA, M.D., Professor – Scientific Secretary ; Head  of the  Laboratory of the Epidemiology of Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases;

Maina BICHURINA, M.D., Head of the Departement of Virology; Head of  the Laboratory of Aetiology and Control of Viral Infections;

Lidia KAFTYREVA, M.D.,  Head of  the Departement of Microbiology ; Head of  the Laboratory of Enteric Infections;

Lyudmila KRAEVA, M.D., Head of Laboratory of Medical Bacteriology;

Nikolai TOKAREVICH, M.D., Professor, Head of Laboratory of Zooantroponozes.