On November 11 - 21, 2023, an official visit of experts from Rospotrebnadzor and its subordinate scientific institutions took place in the cities of Maputo (Republic of Mozambique), Lusaka (Republic of Zambia) and Harare (Republic of Zimbabwe), in which Dr. Vladimir Zarubaev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, head of the laboratory of experimental virology of St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute took part.
During the visit, meetings with the Ambassadors of the Russian Federation of the abovementioned States, as well as with the leadership of the main sanitary and medical institutions of the republics were held. Among these institutions are Ministries of Health, medical faculties at universities, the National Institute of Health in Mozambique, Center for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia, and National Biotechnology Agency of the Republic of Zimbabwe. The host organizations we delivered a report on Rospotrebnadzor activities and introductory reports from Russian specialists, and also conducted excursions to the main bacteriological, virological and other laboratories of the institutions.
The parties provided information on the organization of research conducted in Russia and African republics and the main activities of departmental laboratories. During the meetings, interest was expressed in organizing joint research in the field of controlling the incidence of the most widespread and relevant infections for African countries, such as HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis, measles, malaria, etc.