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Scientists of the Institute held a Russian-Serbian training seminar “Epidemiological and Virological Surveillance of Measles and Other Exanthema Infections during Global Measles Elimination” in Serbia

12 Ноября 2019

From November 4 to 8, 2019 the official delegation of the Institute: Deputy Director for Innovation Alexander Semenov, Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Virology Irina Lavrentieva, Senior Researchers of the Laboratory of Experimental Virology Vladimir Zarubaev and Anastasia Antipova held a Russian-Serbian training seminar “Epidemiological and Virological Surveillance of Measles and Other Exanthema Infections during Global Measles Elimination” at the Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera “Torlak”(Belgrade, Serbia).

The seminar was held in accordance with the Action Plan of the Program which assists the selected countries of the European Region and Republic of Mongolia to eliminate measles and rubella. It included a course of lectures on the Global Strategic Plan for Measles Elimination; current measles and rubella epidemic situation worldwide, in Europe and Russia. The following current issues on transmission and diagnosis of measles and other exanthema viral infections, the organization of the work of a virology laboratory including internal and external quality control of laboratory studies, development of antiviral drugs and strategy for their use were discussed.The lectures on the selected current exanthema viral infections were also presented. The training on interpreting the results of diagnostic tests during active vaccination against measles and rubella, internal and external quality control in routine laboratory work was held.

27 Serbian specialists from Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera “Torlak”, Institute of Public Health of Serbia and Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare took part in the training seminar.

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