Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of the Institute Dr Igor Mokrousov, senior researcher Dr Anna Vyazovaya and PhD student Alena Gerasimova took part in the Congress of the European Society of Mycobacteriology, held from 30 June to 3 July 2019 in Valencia (Spain).
More than 250 scientists from 42 countries took part in the congress. The Congress included the following sections and symposia: pathogen biology, host biology, tuberculosis transmission, co-evolution of the microorganism and humans, new concepts for diagnosing and treating tuberculosis, whole-genome sequencing of the pathogen, nontuberculous mycobacteria, ethical issues of genotyping and sequencing. A seminar on the host pathogen interaction covered various issues of the influence of M. tuberculosis population diversity on the immune response and the clinical outcome of tuberculosis infection, the macrophage infection model of M. tuberculosis virulence.
Researchers of the Institute made poster presentations: “Primary multidrug-resistance and genotypic characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains circulating in North-West Russia” (A. A. Vyazovaya), “Genotype and drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis” (A. A. Gerasimova), “Dynamic changes in MDR M. tuberculosis in northwestern Russia: an update from Russian-EU border region” (I.V. Mokrousov). The studies were carried out with partial support from Russian Science Foundation (grants 19-14-00013 and 19-15-00028) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 19-04-00263).
Igor Mokrousov took part in the meeting of the ESM Steering Committee, and co-chaired the session "Biology of the pathogen." At the meeting of the General Assembly of the company, decisions were made to hold the next ESM congresses in Tirana (Albania) in 2020 and in Belgium in 2021. The Gardner Middlebrook Award (Gardner Middlebrook Award) for outstanding achievements in the field of mycobacteriology was awarded to Sebastian Gagneux from the University of Basel (Switzerland). The Gertrude Meissner Prize (Gertdrud Meissner Award) for outstanding achievements to the mid-carrier scientist was awarded to Grant Theron from the Institute of Tropical Medicine (Belgium).
Scientific Program of the Congress: https://esm.ada.wats-on.co.uk/Congress/Current-Congress/Programme.aspx