At the meeting of the General Assembly of the European Society of Mycobacteriology (ESM), held during the 39th Annual Congress of the ESM (Dresden, Germany, 1-4 July 2018), 4 new members of the Steering Committee of ESM were elected, including Dr Igor MOKROUSOV, head of the laboratory of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics of the Institute.
For the first time in 39 years of the existence of the ESM, the Russian expert became a member of its Steering Committee.
General Assembly of the Society has also discussed further development of the ESM and decided to organize the future ESM congresses in Valencia (Spain) in 2019 and in Tirana (Albania) in 2020.
Note: The European Society of Mycobacteriology was established in 1980 and is the largest scientific and practical association of experts working in the field of basic and applied research of the causative agents of tuberculosis and other mycobacteriosis. Information on ESM and its congresses is available at the following websites: and
The Steering Committee of the ESM includes 7 members who are elected for three years and for a maximum of two terms in this position. It includes: Daniela Cirillo (ESM President [Milan, Italy]), Inaki Comas (Valencia, Spain), Troells Lillebaeck (Copenhagen, Denmark), Igor Mokrousov (St. Petersburg, Russia), Vladyslav Nikolayevskyy (London, UK), Stefan Niemann (Borstel, Germany) and Leen Riguts (Antwerp, Belgium).