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Scientists from the St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute conducted a training seminar and a number of research projects in the Republic of Guinea

18 Июня 2018

Between 4 to 17 June 2018 a group of scientists from the St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute: Alexander Semenov, Deputy Director for Innovation, Vladimir Dedkov, Deputy Director for Research, Irina Lavrentieva Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Virology, Irina Khamitova, Head of the Central Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory, Elena Zueva, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Experimental Virology, Julia Ostankova, Researcher of the Laboratory of Molecular Immunology and Elena Suzyumova, Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Zooantroponozes, conducted a number of research works in Guinea and a training seminar on "Improving laboratory diagnosis and conducting epidemiological studies of viral hepatitis in the Republic of Guinea". The seminar for specialists (epidemiologists, virologists, clinicians, specialists in clinical laboratory diagnostics, etc.) on epidemiology, laboratory diagnosis and prevention of HIV infection and viral hepatitis was organized in the Institute of Applied Biology in Guinea, Kindia.

According to the plans of research the study of the biomaterial from different groups of patients was carried out (more than 600 blood sera for 12 biomarkers were examined by ELISA and PCR methods). The samples have been preserved for further research.

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